“Raania” is a traditional look for the Baraat occasion, this ensemble consists of a classic red hued lehnga choli. The paneled organza lehnga consists of motifs enhanced with sitara, dabka, and...
“Raania” is a traditional look for the Baraat occasion, this ensemble consists of a classic red hued lehnga choli. The paneled organza lehnga consists of motifs enhanced with sitara, dabka, and naqshi. The choli is fully hand worked with intricate motifs and gleaming details. The outfit is paired with heavily embellished all around border organza dupatta with center spray of motifs and pearls.
Price Includes:
Choli, Lehenga, Dupatta
Details of Fabric:
Choli: Organza
Lehenga: Organza
Dupatta: Organza
Color: Red
Additional Information
Size |
Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, Custom |